Bring on the whining. I'm just going to lay it all out. It stinks being a Navy wife. Moving to new places can be fun, but I'm tired of moving wherever and whenever the Navy says it's time. I am sick of meeting new people. I MISS MY FRIENDS!!!
We've lived here in Virginia for a little over a year now. Sure, I have met some really great people since moving here, but it still doesn't feel like home. I'm not convinced everyone I hang out with "gets me" just yet. I think a few are close, but I don't see them very often. No one knows us well enough to just show up at the door unannounced and if I'm balling my eyes out for whatever reason, I know that I'm going to call Ryan or some friend I've left behind in another state. I'm lonely.
What makes things worse is that when we do make friends, they move! It's not bad enough that we're always moving away, but so are our friends. I can't take it anymore!!! My boys are about to lose one of their first real friends, but I don't think they will really understand it for a few more years. A fellow military wife is moving to Korea and my boys love her son to pieces! He is on their short list of 3 boys that they always ask for at play dates and parties. Such a pity.
So, friends, move to Virginia. I'll do my best not to move away from you. Those of you without blogs, start one so I can feel like I'm still somewhat part of your everyday life. Oh, and don't be surprised when the phone rings and I'm complaining or crying on the other end of the line. I don't think Ryan wants to be my "girlfriend" anymore.
**Edit: Ryan read this (who knew he read this thing) and said that I made it sound like HE is the reason I'm crying and that he doesn't want to put up with me anymore. Sorry, that was not my intention. I am convinced that any girl who reads this will understand what I was trying to say.
Yes, yes, us ladies get it! You need a girlfriend close by. I have felt the same way many times. I am finally starting to feel like I have some real girlfriends here, but honestly there is nothing better than having a husband who is also your best friend. But I do know what you mean. It would be nice to have both. I wish you lived here. I am having a blast getting to know you all over again!!!
Melissa I know I am very bad at keeping in touch but I hope you know that I think about you all the time and miss you very much! I need to be a lot better about picking up the phone and chatting with you as it's just been forever!!
Also please let Ryan know that at no point did I think he was the reason you were crying or felt that he no longer wanted to be there for you.
I miss you all!!
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