Day 41: Another random snow day. We had far too many snow days this season. I was so done with the snow that I didn't even let the boys go outside to play in the snow this time. In fact, I don't even remember if they asked to go out in the snow.

Day 42: Nathan is talking to Daddy via Skype again. He's showing off the ridiculously expensive toy that I purchased for them after the Madagascar Live show. I think it is healthy to cave into their requests occasionally.

Day 43: It's fun to have the girls over in the evening, but it is not fun waking up to this mess. This was a wine and whine kind of night as all of our husbands were in various stages of deployment.

Day 44: The boys and I made 45 more heart crayons to include with their valentines for their classmates. Here's the stack for Ian's class.

Day 45: Happy Valentine's Day!!! The boys could not wait to get home from school and dig into their decorated VDay bags.